Monday 28 April 2014

Production Meeting

Production meeting 17th march 2014
Production meeting minutes
-Week 1 - cake sale looking to raise £50-£60
Possible great expectations theme
-week 2 - staff car wash (£5) per car
Need to speak to site manager about facility use.
-week 3 movie night (£2.50)
Tuck shop, movie sleep over theme.
Film yet to be decided.
- week 4 - open mic (£1 entry) year 10/11 in lecture theatre
- week 5 - brit theatre jumper service
Jumpers for cast and optional for school members
- week 6 - pound show
Piece of physical theatre at lunch time performed by strand
- week 7 - doughnuts sold during lunch
Need a price from each department of how much they require.
-Twitter and Instagram made
-programme,poster, Facebook
-By next week they will have done more background research on the play looking into context and what can be made/bought
-Need to see props department about what they can supply.
-By Thursday have gone trough the first 30 pages of act 2 picking out where props are needed.
-speak to make up department about what they can supply and work with (miss chew)
-test out make up looks on each other
-look at previous casts make-up
-require a sound board
-speak to director about what they want sound wise
-look into smoke machines
-need to look into the lights in the theatre and what they are and do.
- speak to Mr French about lighting techniques
-look through script for costume requirements.
-week 2, looking into sourcing and what people can supply them selves.
-visit miss Chew Into making costumes.
-need to take fittings from actors using a fitting sheet.
-no budget needed because of instruments being played by cast members.
-want to experiment with lots of different dance styles.
-looking into Dance context of the time and where it can be used.
-historical and cultural dance backgrounds.
-email miss Goodall about scene changes and how they can be made to include choreography.
-look into how productions have used movement to change scenes and how this can be used in GE
-want to speak to design team about how costume may restrict movement
-by next week they will be arranging production sheets in which they will include extra rehearsal times
-checking up on groups to see their work is being carried out.
-need to speak to props team about where the props will be placed for them to hand out.

Hair and Make-up

Young Pip:

Minimal make-up- specks of dirt around face, pale foundation or blusher

Hair- ruffled, greasy, dirty

Possible things needed for pip: 

·         hair grease ( depends if Pip will be wearing a hat)

·         pale blusher

·         black face paint, or charcoal for dirt



Make-up- blood, cuts, dirt, possible bruises

Hair- dirty

Make-up needed for Magwitch:

·         fake blood and cuts

·         dirt, black face paint


Mrs Joe:


Make-up- powder/ flour (cooking), pale, blusher


Hair- messily done up under a bonnet


Things needed for Mrs Joe:

·         white powder

·         blusher for cheeks

·         bonnet


Minimal make-up- specks of dirt around face, pale foundation or blusher

Hair- ruffled, greasy, dirty or tied back under a flat cap

Possible things needed for Chorus: 

·         hair grease ( depends if Pip will be wearing a hat)

·         pale blusher, black face paint, or charcoal for dirt


Mr Joe:


Make-up- red in areas, pale


Hair- beard possibly, hair curled or natural to the actor


Things needed for Mr Joe:

·         blusher, white face paint

·         possible black face paint for dirty look

·         fake beard (optional)


Miss Havisham:


Make-up- pale white paint, pale colour lipstick, defined jaw bone possibly


Hair- messy curls/ messy updo (dead flowers or petals in hair) white.


Things needed for Miss Havisham:

·         white face paint

·         pale lipstick

·         blusher for faint jaw bone

·         optional hair accessories – flowers, petals, vale

·         white hairspray


Mr Jaggers:


Make up- pale, facial hair


Hair- hair slicked back, under a top hat


Things needed for Mr Jaggers:

·         pale face paint

·         black face paint to bring out distinct features

·         top hat

Young Estella:

Make up- pink lips, bright eyes, pale, blusher

Hair- in a milkmaid style, two plaits crossed over on the top of the head

Things needed for Young Estella:

·         pale pink lipstick

·         mascara for eyes to come out

·         blusher and white face paint




Older Estella:


Make up- pale pink lips, eyes coming out, pale face, blusher


Hair- up do, sophisticated and smart but fitting to the period


Things needed for Estella:

·         mascara and a small amount of eye liner

·         pale pink lipstick same as Young Estella

·         white face paint and blusher

Older Pip:


Make up- natural


Hair- actors own maybe slicked back or styled like a gentleman


Things needed for Older Pip:

·          hair products for styling



Characters Make-up list

·         Hair grease/ gel- £1.99- Superdrug

·         Hair spray -£2.85- Superdrug

·         White hairspray- £3.50-Party Superstores

·         Pale blusher- £1- Superdrug

·         Darker blusher-£1- Superdrug

·         Black face paint £3.99-Party Superstores

·         White face paint £3.99- Party Superstores

·         Charcoal £0.95-art store

·         Fake blood £2.99- Party Superstores

·         Fake cuts £4.89 ( 2 cuts)- Online Store ( could get from local party shop)

·         Black mascara -£1- Superdrug

·         Black eyeliner -£1- Superdrug

·         Pale pink lipstick-£1- Superdrug


Total= £30.15

Add ons:

·         Fake beard -£7.72- Online

·         Dead flowers- make your own

·         Hair bonnet- £12.27- Online (etsy)

Total= £19.99

All Together Total= £50.14