Thursday 1 May 2014


  1. What is your task in this production? What are you responsibilities?

My role in the year 11 FMP is head of Make-Up, this means that I have to find the Make-Up for the production at a cost effective price and buy the make up within my project budget, find specific make up for individual characters and make sure that the characters are not allergic to any of the make-up. The Make-Up I use will have to be minimal but effective and work well under the lighting used on the day resulting in a visually effective performance for the audience, my responsibilities are making sure all of these things are carried out on a professional level and result in a high quality performance with effective Make-Up.

  1. What have you done so far?

So far I have spoken with my partner Tsion who is also in charge of Make-Up about possible Make-Up choices and where we will purchase the Make-Up from. I have made a table of characters and their specific Make-Up choices, I have also drawn up a draft of how much all this Make-Up will cost and sent it to my director. I have spoken to all the cast in Act 1 and asked if anyone has any allergies to the Make-Up we will be using the feedback came back as No from everyone, which has given us a positive start on our role.

  1. Outline the main stages of your production job in terms of preparation, planning and delivery.

To prepare we will have to make sure we have bought enough Make-Up for the cast and that all individual requirements such as specific make up only used for one character ( eg. A cut for Magwich's face) is bought and ready for that cast member. We will have to practice applying the Make-Up to each cast member to see what works and what doesn't under the lighting used on the night in order for us to change it if need be giving us a better end result. All of this will have to be planned out, Tsion and I have come up with a timetable stating when we will have meetings and when we will meet with cast members to test out the Make-Up. We have also planned each individual Make-Up design for each character, which will prove helpful for us but also for anyone else if we, or one of us were to be absent on the day the stand in could look at our designs and easily apply the Make-Up to the cast member. We plan to deliver a successful outcome of our Make-Up on characters after doing all these things. 

  1. Identify the next steps required.
 Next we need to speak to the people in charge of lighting for the production and see if we can plan a day when we test                          each characters Make-Up under the lighting that will be used on the day. This will help us detect what will be successful and can be used for the day of the performance and what is not successful and that we need to change in order to make our Make-Up as visually effective as we want it to be.

  1. How are your ideas working? Have you adapted or made any changes?
So far our ideas are working well together and everything seems to be going to plan. We seem to be running on schedule and have had three meetings discussing development or any changes we have to do with the individual character designs or the Make-Up being used. I have shown our designs to our director and cast they seem to be in agreement with our choices. We have made a few changes such as where we choose to buy our Make-Up from as we have found cheaper places with the same quality item, and also changed our designs to fit with the character after talking to the cast member agreeing on one final design.

  1. How are other peoples' ideas working? Have you used any?
We have spoken to other cast members about their ideas towards Make-Up being used and the designs we have for each of the characters and we have used many of their suggestions. For example I spoke with Rosie who plays chorus and she decided It would be better if the chorus had no dirt on their faces as Pip did not and they where supposed to all be part if Pip, we found this better as we wouldn't have to buy black face paint resulting in us being more cost effective. 

  1. How does your job fit in to the production? How do other people rely on your work? How do you make sure that what you do fits in with the overall plans?
My production role is a vital part of the overall performance as it creates a visually effective experience for the audience and makes the character more believable to the audience as it comes alive. All the cast rely on our work as it is our jobs to mirror the acting with the appearance, if the appearance does not match the character then the play will not reach it's full potential, presenting confusion for the actor and audience. To make sure that the work we do in Make-Up fits into the overall plan we have meetings amongst ourselves but also come together every Monday with the whole production team and cast to discuss our progress and ideas confirming that what we are doing is something that everyone is in agreement with. 

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